Friday, April 29, 2011

Final 30's me finish live!

You can go to the following link to watch live finish line footage of the trizou triathlon on Sunday, May 1st. Race starts around 7:00am and you can start looking for finishers around 7:45. I have finished high in previous years but never first, hopefully this year I'm the first one you see.

I finished my 30 in 30 on Wednesday, here were the final workouts...
April 25th -swim 30x50, bike 30 miles
26th - swim 30x50 as fast 25 / recover 25
27th - swim 30x300

Monday, April 25, 2011

Emporia Race Report

It was a fine day for racing at Emporia last Sunday. Mild temps and light South wind made for a very pleasant day at the office. Although I was starter #3 in the time trial swim start, #1 and #2 were absent at start time so I got things going as first in. Since I was still overcoming some minor hamstring issues the goal was stay quick but controlled on the swim and bike and manage it in on the run. Everything went to plan and I was first home for the fourth year in a row. An added upgrade this year was chip timing and everything seemed to go off smooth in that department.

On to Columbia, MO this week. I believe there is a streaming finish line video so I'll post that link later this week if you're interested in being up at 7:50 on a Sunday morning to watch what is sure to be a great finish.

Week 3 and 4 of 30's results...

12th - swim 30x50's open water (no push) start
13th - swim 30x150's pull/sight/free
14th - swim 30x50 paddles strength
15th - swim 30x200's
16th - swim 30x50's paddles every 4th power int.
17th - 30min 20k TT (race) and 30 push ups
18th - swim 30x100 free/back
19th - swim 30x50 fly
20th - swim 30x100
21st - swim 30x25 kick
22nd - bike 30x1min strength int.
23rd - 30 sit ups
24th - bike 30x30s power int.

Just a couple more days of 30's, I'm feeling younger already!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 2 of 30's workouts

Another fun week of 30's workouts. The season begins this week for me at Emporia on Sunday...lets see, if the past is any indicator I'm guessing 40 degrees and windy.

Apr. 7th - 30x25 sprint 25 easy continuous swim
8th - 30x100 free swim
9th - 30 Push Ups (I know pretty weak, it was midnight and i still hadn't done a 30).
10th - 30 Mile easy bike
11th - 2x(30x50 pull w/ paddles) swim, 30 mile easy bike

Train safe, hope to see you in emporia.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

30 in 30 Training Challenge

I've decided that my 30th year deserves more than just one special workout. Plus I found out the Southwest Chief (Amtrak) going from Newton to Topeka does not have bike racks and thus foiled my original idea of a 300K ride down highway 4 from Topeka.

So I drew some inspiration from espn's recent series 30 for 30 and have embarked on my own 30 IN 30 or 30 days in which at least one of my focus workouts for each of those days will include 30 something (intervals, miles, etc). I am also attempting not to duplicate any workouts.

I began the challenge Tuesday, March 29th and will go through Wednesday, April 27th. My goal is to make this a month of solid training leading into my spring goal races. It has been a good challenge so far and has definitely elevated my training. If you are wanting to do some or all of the workouts yourself I'll post the 30 portion of the workouts I did each week and you can adjust for your own use...or just laugh at my insanity.

March 29th - swim 30 x 50 yds descending every 4
30th - swim 30 x 50yd paddles, bike 30 x 1min uphill repeats
31st - swim 30 x 25yd sprints
April 1st - swim 30 x 150 short rest, bike 30 x 4min low cad on 5min
2nd - bike 30 x 30s low cad on 1min
3rd - bike 30 x 30s power on 2min
4th - swim 30 x 150yd first 50 non free last 100 free
5th - swim 30 x 50 short rest
6th - bike 30 mile overspeed TT

I also got a late birthday surprise from Yvette with a exercise room makeover. She has some photos on her blog. It's a huge improvement and looks awesome!